All Services are now at 101 Lake Dr., Liverpool
Providing Everything You Need
Connecting to Spirit helps you to awaken Your Truth, ridding the clutter along your path; so you can easily go after your dreams and desires. With each Reading you will feel a healing energy giving you a sense of Peace within
30 MINUTE - $65
phone readings
Connecting to Spirit helps you to awaken Your Truth, ridding the clutter along your path; so you can easily go after your dreams and desires. With each Reading you will feel a healing energy giving you a sense of Peace within
If you cannot be in person a phone reading is just as powerful
30 Minutes - $65
This healing energy brings a deep relaxation and stress release. Opening the mind body and spirit to a profound energy so one can heal themselves,
As my son called it "A Spiritual Massage"
I am a vessel of this healing energy as I connect with Your higher self, I will be receiving messages just for you.
1 Hour session - $100
As we go through life our Soul picks up fragments of dust and clutter, thus leaving it dull and hard to recognize. A soul retrieval clears away this cloud of confusion. Allowing your soul to shine its vibrant energy. You do journey work with the help of drumming and myself. Come and explore your true essence.
Cost $200 time is 1 1/2 hour